Oil Market Analysis Europe

Oil market analysis Europe by Insights Global

Mostly every market participant is searching for a thorough and unbiased oil market analysis that covers European oil product markets. Insights Global has a report that leads to a better financial performance and more market knowledge. Our report covers physical product markets in Europe and international futures markets. It contains information on forward curves, time spreads, cracks and arbs. The report gives insights in fundamentals like stock levels and supply and demand.

Our oil market analysis reports supports market participants quickly assess risks and opportunities and anticipate future market changes. This makes them better capable of maximizing their profits or their mitigate losses. Furthermore, our oil market analysis reports builds market participants’ knowledge base which supports them in making better justified trading decisions and helps them in becoming a better equipped partner. Finally, in an continuously changing market, it is useful when an independent partner can be consulted to test ones vision on the market.

Forecast oil market Western Europe

A forecast of oil markets in Western Europa is another instrument that market players are able to apply when analysing the outlook of oil markets. Insights Global has more than 35 years of experience in oil market analysis and forecasts especially in Western Europe. Our company’s research approach is both quantitative and qualitative. Forecasts concentrate on estimating production, consumption and trade flows. These variables are modelled and input data is gathered from large publicly available and private data bases. These forecasts also include major market trends in the oil market sector. The market trends are identified through in-depth analysis based on scientific research and interviews with industry experts. Clients of Insights Global take advantage from our oil market insights and forecasts.

When you are interested in an oil market analysis and forecast of oil markets in Western Europe you have come to right place. Please contact our office, either by phone (+31850662500) or by mail when you would like more information on these topics.