Holiday Calendar 2024

Below is an overview of dates when Insights Global will not publish their data services and market analysis due to international holidays. Weekly data services where the publication date is hampered by a holiday, will be postponed till the next business day.

No reports are sent out on dates with an asterisk due to surrounding holidays and lack of trading. This overview is preliminary and could be subject to changes and/or additions. This will always be communicated on beforehand.

1 January 2024MondayNew Year’s DayBarge freight rates; 
Bunker prices 
29 March 2024 Friday Good Friday Barge freight rates; 
Bunker prices 
1 April 2024Monday Easter Monday Barge freight rates; 
Bunker prices 
1 May 2024 WednesdayLabor Day Barge freight rates; 
Bunker prices 
9 May 2024 ThursdayAscension Day Barge freight rates; 
Bunker Prices; 
Rhine flow (1 day delay); 
ARA stocks (1 day delay) 
20 May 2024 MondayPentecost Monday Barge freight rates; 
Bunker prices 
25 December 2024WednesdayChristmas Day Barge freight rates; 
Bunker prices 
26 December 2024ThursdaySecond day of Christmas/Boxing Day Barge freight rates; 
Bunker prices 
1 January 2025WednesdayNew Year’s DayBarge freight rates; 
Bunker prices